Saturday, 1 December 2018

TPRPT Unit 1 (Electronechanics 1/2): Extra Activities

Hi! Here you will find the way of getting extra points for your final mark for this term (evaluation). Two ways:
  • A test from Quizizz. Go to our General Website and click on Extra Activities of Unit 1. Once there read the instructions and be sure you access Quizizz entering the code and a name that follows the example (for example, 4B_PepeRubio). I will add 5% of the mark you get to your final mark.
  • Activities from LearningApps. Go to our General Website, click on Extra Activities of Unit 1 and read the instructions. I sent an email to you all with your username and password. I will add 5% of the mark you get to your final mark.
See you the coming week!