Saturday, 19 January 2019

TPRPT Unit 1 (Electronechanics 2/2): Exam and Extra Activities

Hi there! So, here you have the exam of the second part of this unit. To prepare the two different parts the exam comprises (mechanisms and electric machines) here you have some clues:
  • Workbook: activities 16, 17 and 19 from part 1/2 and activities 2, 4, 6, 7and 8 from part 2/2.
  • Class Activities: Mechanisms, Electric Machines 1&2 and DC Motors.
  • Virtual Classroom: activities 8, 9, and 13
If you want to increase your mark, you can redo the class activities from learningapps (tprpt_u1_elec&mecha2) or go to the extra activities from our General Website.
Good luck everybody!

Saturday, 1 December 2018

TPRPT Unit 1 (Electronechanics 1/2): Extra Activities

Hi! Here you will find the way of getting extra points for your final mark for this term (evaluation). Two ways:
  • A test from Quizizz. Go to our General Website and click on Extra Activities of Unit 1. Once there read the instructions and be sure you access Quizizz entering the code and a name that follows the example (for example, 4B_PepeRubio). I will add 5% of the mark you get to your final mark.
  • Activities from LearningApps. Go to our General Website, click on Extra Activities of Unit 1 and read the instructions. I sent an email to you all with your username and password. I will add 5% of the mark you get to your final mark.
See you the coming week!

Wednesday, 31 October 2018

TPRPT Unit 1 (Electronechanics 1/2): Exam

Hi everybody! As you all know we will be doing the first exam next week (6th of November)
This first part consist of revision of electricity, and voltage divider. In order to prepare these parts you must redo all the activities:
- Class Activities: revision 1, 2 and 3, and voltage divider
- Workbook: actually, the activities we have been doing in the workshop using the activity sheets. Download the file and have a look at the solutions to these activities.

So in the exam you will find exercise similar to those you completed in the workshop: electrical components, connections between components (series...), calculations in series and parallel circuits, application of the Ohm's Law in circuits and how to connect the ammeter and multimeter to measure the basic magnitudes (voltage and current).
Good luck everybody!

Friday, 12 October 2018

Welcome to the 2018/19 school year

Hi everybody! This is my blog for my students of 4th year of ESO. Welcome! In this blog you will find important information about what is going on our lessons (activities, exams...). On the right side of this blog you will find the access to our General Website TPR_TP from which you all can complete the activities we do at school. See you.

Sunday, 4 February 2018

Bloque 2 (Tecnología 4º): Presentación sobre ahorro energético

Hola. Aquí os dejo el modelo de presentación para abordar la tarea de proponer medidas de reduccióndel consumo energético de una vivienda.

Mi presentación toma como tarea doméstica cocinar y sobre ella se pronen mediadas de ahorro energético teniendo en cuenta las 3 instalaciones a las que afecta el hecho de cocinar: electricidad (vitrocerámicas, inducción... ), gas (gas natural y butano) y agua (agua fria y caliente para fregar).
En vuestras presentaciones individuales podéis tratar uno de las siguientes tareas domésticas (y, al menos, 2 instalaciones distintas):
  • lavado y secado de ropa (y planchado)
  • conservación de alimentos
  • lectura (un libro) durante la noche en invierno
  • lectura (un libro) durante la noche enverano
  • ducharse
  • entretenimiento digital (internet, televisión,...)
Recuerda que has de publicar tu presentación en nuestro muro virtual (utilizando la clave de clase para acceder). El plazo termina el próximo domingo 11 de febrero. Suerte

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Bloque 2 (Tecnología 4º): Examen de Instalaciones

Hola. Ya hemos empezado con las actividades del bloque 3 (Electrónica) pero debemos finalizar el 2 con el examen del próximo miércoles. En el examen encontraréis las siguientes cuestiones:
La parte de ahorro energético (viviendas bioclimáticas) la resolveremos mediante la publicación de un trabajo (medidas de ahorro) en nuestro muro virtual. Buena suerte a todo el mundo.

Sunday, 21 January 2018

Bloque 1 (TPRPT): Examen del bloque 1 (final)

Hola. ¡Por fin hemos terminado el bloque 1! Haremos el examen el próximo martes 23 de Enero, como ya sabéis. En el examen encontraréis las siguientes cuestiones:
Recordad que tenéis actividades para obtener puntos extra:
  • las actividades publicadas en learningapps (necesitas tu nombre de usuario y clave)
  • enviar tu video de la construcción del motor al muro virtual (necesitas la clave general, la misma que la que usaste para entrar en el aula virtual)
Nos vemos en clase.